Virginia Lottery

Virginia Lottery asked PopShorts to help generate excitement and drive purchase intent for their seasonal lottery scratchers.

Role: Sr. Creative Strategist, Campaign Creative Strategy, Campaign Management, Content Editor

Our Solution

Paid Social & Custom Content

We designed a custom strategy, based on past learnings, that optimized existing creative assets for social and leveraged original content with Virginia-based influencers.

Sailing Towards a Luxurious Summer

Through photo galleries and videos, the influencers enthusiastically informed their social audiences of the opportunity to win $12 million in cash and prizes from Virginia Lottery’s Summer Luxury Cruisin’ Scratcher.

Let the Festivities Begin!

For Friendsgiving, influencers used Virginia Lottery's Holiday Scratchers to complete each place setting and add a little extra fun to the occasion.

Holiday Scratchers were highlighted as the perfect stocking-stuffers and a fun gift idea.

Driving Traffic Across Social

By optimizing creative assets with layered targeting, we were able to reach Virginia Lottery's targets across social with an array of ads.


It's a Winner!

Our custom, cross-platform social strategy outperformed our client's expectations as the campaign surpassed Virginia Lottery's social benchmarks by 139%!

30.8 Million Total Impressions

416,690 Engagements and Link Clicks

94% Positive Sentiment

3.3 Million Video Views


A Simple Favor


Knives Out